The journal TAL invites papers on all topics related to Natural Language Processing or Computational Linguistics. Call for papers are made on a regular basis: they can be on specific topics or open ("Varia" issues). The journal only publishes original work, which has not been previously published, nor is it under review by other journals.
Language policy: TAL publishes papers in French and in English.
The instructions to authors remain those given by Hermès-Lavoisier. However, the most up-to-date version of the LaTeX and BibTeX stylesheets is the one provided in this archive for download. (Always download the most recent version before (re)submitting your article) The archive contains templates for starting an article.
After acceptance, an article can only be published if all its authors have signed the transfer of rights form. (A translation of this copyright cession form is given here) Print the French version, sign it and send it back to the editor who follows the issue where the article is inserted.