Wide-Coverage Semantics for Spatio-Temporal Reasoning

Richard Moot*
*CNRS, LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux; 351, cours de la Libération; 33405 Talence Cedex, France; richard.moot@labri.fr
Résumé (en anglais)
In this article, we describe our research on wide-coverage semantics for Frenchlanguage texts and on its application to produce detailed semantic descriptions of itineraries. Using a categorial grammar semi-automatically extracted from the French Treebank and a manually constructed semantic lexicon, the resulting parser computes discourse representation structures representing the meaning of arbitrary text. The main goal of this paper is to apply and specialize this general framework of wide-coverage semantics to the spatial and temporal organization of the Itipy corpus - a set of 19th century texts discussing voyages through the Pyrenees mountains. The implemented system gives satisfying results and opens the door to the integration with specialized extensions, such as a separate module computing the discourse relations between the textual units.